5 Ways to Remain Productive During “Slow” Business Times as A Stylist and Business Owner

Written by: Kojo
Business Community
Empty salon showing a slow season

Even as a website designed for stylists, we notice there are certain peak seasons and downtimes. Sometimes it's due to weather changes as Canada goes through its four seasons or economic downturn meaning people are spending less. So we thought we'd offer some ideas on ways to keep yourself as a business owner when you're in one of those slow seasons.

#1 Rest

If you're just coming out of a busy season, this could be a good time to take a break, especially if this is your full-time gig. You don’t always have to be on the go and being busy does not mean being productive. It pays to let your mind and body rest and recover. Then you can take on the next busy season at your best. Perhaps it’s time YOU booked an appointment. If it’s a slow season that means there are openings available, right?

#2 Marketing/Promotion

You should also check in on your marketing and promotional efforts. If things have been slow for a while or you're just starting out, then it might be your marketing/promotional strategies need to be adjusted (Make sure you're listed on our site so we can send clients your way - it's free). Some other marketing-related activities you can look into are:

Content Creation: Create content for your social media/website. Did you take a lot of photos/videos during the busy season? Put them together to get your message out there. If you have a website, refresh your portfolio/gallery.

Promo Calendar/Planning: Plan a campaign message about your brand and set up a promotion schedule. Fun fact: You can schedule IG posts via the Meta Business Suite or other social media tools weeks/months ahead

Market Research: Do some market research. Missing trends in the style industry could make or break a brand. And who knows, you might uncover some opportunities others have failed to notice

#3 Business Health Check

Bookkeeping: Accounting isn't fun for everyone, but it’s necessary. Confirm you’re not just “surviving” as a business. Make sure your financial records are up-to-date so you’re not scrambling come tax season.

Revisit Business Goals: Revisit your business goals to see if you’re still on track. Don’t have any goals? Well now is a good time to create them. Remember, you can’t hit a target you never set!

Update Your Web Presence: Make sure the info on your website and various social pages is up-to-date, including on Stylists Near Me

#4 Revenue Generation

If bringing in more clients during the slow season isn't an option, then perhaps look into increasing your overall revenue. This can be done in several ways including:

Adding Value: You can increase your $$$ per booking by adding value to yourself and your services. Work towards getting certified as it improves your credibility and gives you access to a certain type of clientele (really). Try to find a way to do something the competition is/isn’t or improve your overall efficiency.

Becoming a Brand Ambassador/Reseller: Are there products your clients always need? Well, nothing stops them from buying from you. As an expert in the area, they trust your recommendations (obviously don’t abuse this trust).

Affiliate Marketing: If you have a decent following on IG, a blog/website or even a newsletter, you can join an affiliate program and get a portion of the sales. We’re prepping a post on this soon so follow us and stay tuned.

#5 Community

Connecting and Networking: Reach out to other stylists in your area or online. “If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.” So try to connect with other professionals that help elevate you and your brand!

Give Back: Join efforts to bring positive change to the industry. Spread your knowledge about what you do and why you do it. Create tutorials, write articles or a book, etc (we accept guest authors for our Blog)


Slow times are normal for most businesses so just because you're going through one doesn't mean you're failing. As long as it's too frequent/chronic, you're probably on the right path and shouldn't be worried. We hope the ideas we shared help you to stay productive rather than anxious during those periods.